Jasmin Transition

Jasmin Transition is a service crafted to meet the changing needs that seniors might face regarding their housing requirements and moving: we can reduce the content of your house, move you from your house to an apartment or to a residence, find a residence with services suited to your needs, or even ensure that, if you desire to stay home, all the components related to safety and homecare are in place. We encourage independent living at home as long as possible.

  • More than 800 residential TRANSITION PROJECTS completed in fourteen years.
  • A TEAM OF SPECIALISTS: senior consultants, movers, relocation coordinators, caregivers, occupational therapists, stager, carpenter, electrician, real estate brokers, etc.
  • EXPERTISE IN THE HEALTH SECTOR, especially for people with Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, dementia.
  • LOVE working with seniors.
  • The simple and effective SOLUTION for a complete turnkey transition.
consultant on aging, aging consultant

Danielle Jasmin - President

Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) 
Member of the Age Friendly Business Academy (AFBA) 
Member of the Canadian Homecare Association

Danielle Jasmin, President of Jasmin Transition, provides clients with home downsizing and moving counseling and services. This can be as simple as developing customized transitional plans for new living needs, helping to downsize, conducting estate dispersals or by assisting those wishing to stay in their current homes with appropriate upgrades to ensure adequate safety and comfort.

Danielle Jasmin holds more than twenty five years of experience in communications and public relations. Her mastery of communications has allowed her to support major initiatives in public affairs and issues management in sectors as diversified as healthcare and home care, social marketing, as well as community relations with the elderly. Throughout her professional and personal experiences, she has seen and met first hand the many problems that face each individual as they age.

She is and accredited speaker from the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail. Her talks and conferences are targeted to seniors and their families, as well as to all key players involved in the challenges brought on by aging. More specifically, this information and training relates to assisting seniors to remain in their current home or making a move to a more suitable residence (seniors’ home, CHSLD, etc.). As a consultant on aging, Danielle’s personal approach in every home transition is the key to the success of Jasmin Transition.